Dear friends,
I’ve just been informed that After Christendom is being pulled by its publisher, Sophia Institute Press.
I understand why. A whole chapter of the book is devoted to laying out certain lessons that Western Christians (i.e., Catholics and Protestants) can learn from the Orthodox. When I wrote that chapter, I was an Eastern Catholic. By the time the book hit the shelves, though, I had converted to Orthodoxy. That definitely changes the optics. I can see why some Catholic readers think the book is a pro-Orthodox polemic. And that poses certain problems for a Catholic publisher.
Sophia has graciously agreed to give me all the extant copies of After Christendom. They’re also turning over the files and returning the copyright. So, I’m going to find a way to sell the book myself.
In the meantime, if you would like to buy a signed copy of After Christendom for $30 (including shipping), please write to me at Supplies of this edition are definitely limited!
As most of you know, I recently lost my job, and my wife is due with our third child in less than a month. So, this is somewhat less-than-ideal timing.
Many of you have already shown your generosity by purchasing a paid subscription to Yankee Athonite. I am profoundly grateful to you. If it’s within your means to chip in a bit more, it would mean the world to me.
By the way, please don’t hold this against Sophia. They’re a great company, and they have a reputation to protect. Becoming Orthodox was my choice, not theirs. I knew my conversion would have consequences, and I accept those consequences. There are no hard feelings at all.
In Christ,
Subscribed, and I agree with others posts to try Ancient Faith publishing, and Uncut Mountain Press.
See if the new publisher can make the book available digitally too.